The Grand Punk Part 13

by twilighter

After a year-long effort, the tabloid press has finally managed to once again catch Kristen Stewart with Rupert Sanders.  And they have the photographic evidence to prove it. You know what they say, the camera never lies. Here is their evidence.

Kristen Caught

Yeah right, What a farce. July 17th, 2012 was also a farce, and today is a perfect day to take out the trash.  Which is exactly what we are going to do. During this series I have examined the provable evidence in the so-called Kristen Stewart cheating scandal and described eleven different scenarios that have put forward to try to explain what happened.  Today we will send several of them packing. A review of The Grand Punk series would probably be helpful to new readers of this series, but in particular, a review of Part 10 ( Part 11 ( and Part 12 ( would be most helpful.

Back in The Grand Punk Part 6, I introduced the concept of what provable evidence means.

In every investigation it’s good to take a pause, stand back, take a look at the provable facts, and examine the scenarios that potentially explain an episode. And in the process distinguish between facts as opposed to background noise, rumors, and unsubstantiated gossip based on unnamed sources.  Engaging in that process can weed out unlikely scenarios and focus attention on the path forward.  Now is a good time to do this with the Kristen Stewart “cheating scandal.

In doing so, particular care must be exercised when assessing the believability of unidentified and unnamed sources.  Such sources, or reports of what they say, can be falsified or exaggerated with impunity and are immune from cross examination.  That is the case whether such sources are claimed by the National Enquirer, Us Magazine, Gossip Cop, People Magazine, or the New York Times.  But make no mistake, only the last entity has journalistic standards that require multiple sources and confirmation of the details provided by sources before a story runs.  The rest are just part of celebrity gossip machine that is in the business of making money off of gossip.

That being the case, for the purposes of this inquiry, unnamed or unidentified sources of information shall not be considered as providing provable facts unless the information provided is substantiated by multiple, independent, non-conflicting sources, or photographs or video, and the information provided is such that a reasonably prudent person would rely on the truth of the information in making an important decision in their own life, in essence the reasonable person standard from tort law.

So lets take a look at the essential provable facts from this story.

Fifteen Facts in the Kristen Stewart Cheating Scandal

1. To most reasonable minds, by the end of 2011 Rob and Kristen were involved in a long-term, highly private, stable relationship for a matter of years.

It’s hard to remember but, prior to the so-called events of July of 2012, the debate over whether Rob and Kristen were a couple was pretty much over.  Most of the diehard Nonstens had much thrown in the towel and even shut down their websites.  We were well past the hand holding on the Paris tarmac, the Montreal kiss, years of cross continental birthday trips and reciprocal set visits, holidays on the Isle of Wight, shared clothes, knowing looks, and “My boyfriend” is English.  And only about a little more than a month past the Cannes Film Festival.

Rob and Kristen in a rare public display of affection at the Cannes Film Festival premier of Cosmopolis. Not for commercial purposes, no copyright violation intended.

Rob & Kristen in a rare pda at the Cannes premier of Cosmopolis.
Photo not for commercial purposes, no copyright violation intended.

The almost uniform reaction to the so-called scandal underscores this fact.  People did not say “Oh my god, Kristen had a fling with Rupert, I guess she was never in a relationship with Rob.”  No, the reaction was “Oh my god, how could she cheat on him”, which necessarily presumed that they were in a relationship to begin with.

That is not to say however, that there weren’t some who doubted the scandal’s authenticity almost from the very beginning, such as yours truly and Crushable’s Jeni Maier, although for different reasons.  Those doubts accelerated for many with the somewhat flawed and misleading release of the Youtube video “The Camera Never Lies”.  But the authenticity of the scandal is a different question from the authenticity of their relationship.

It wasn’t until people began to grasp for straws to explain why Rob would forgive Kristen after a very public, monumental humiliation of him and serious doubts began to be raised about the photographs that all of the “PR” theories sprung back to life. That their reconciliation must have been merely feigned to sell theater tickets or that they were contractually bound to fake a romance from the start.  To see the fallacy of that last argument, see Busting Urban Legends About the So-Called Kristen Stewart Cheating Scandal:  The PR Relationship Contract Clause Myth at

But like all things in this new digitized 24/7 electronic tabloid era, re-writing history was just a few key strokes away and a hot bed of anti-Kristen sentiment based on long standing Robert Pattenson mania as the world’s sexiest man and every girl’s dream come true, only poured gasoline on to the fire.  Setting the stage for a public flogging and conflagration never before seen in terms of its intensity, length, and hysteria.  Almost instantly, Kristen became a modern day pariah, the most hated woman in Hollywood.

2.  Rob and Kristen’s mutual hatred and disgust for the paparazzi and the celebrity gossip machine has been a well established fact for years.

For a number of years, Kristen regularly flipped the paparazzi off, sometimes with two hands, and on at least one occasion in Paris in early 2012, taunted one who was abusing her to “freeze to death.”


Kristen’s famous two handed bird.                Photo not for commercial purposes, no copyright violation intended

Equally impressive were her verbal denouncements of both the paparazzi and the celebrity gossip rags:

I don’t care about the voracious, starving shit eaters who want to turn truth into shit.

What you don’t see are the cameras shoved in my face and the bizarre intrusive questions being asked, or the people falling over themselves, screaming and taunting to get a reaction. The photos are so… I feel like I’m looking at someone being raped. A lot of the time I can’t handle it. It’s f***ed. I never expected that this would be my life.

I’m just going to let people watch whatever little movie they think our lives are and go for it. Keep them guessing.  That’s what I always say.

And even most recently her muttering of  “Rats, cockroaches, parasites!”  while in Paris for fashion week. But perhaps the most telling of them all:

I always say to myself I’m never going to give anything away because there’s never any point or benefit for me.  I guarantee, when I have a baby, everyone is going to want to know my kid’s name and I’m not going to say it for ages.

These were only a few of her many famous quotes. What else could a woman who is so fiercely private that she plans on refusing to divulge her child’s name to the celebrity gossip machine be capable of?  Just about anything?

Rob, although less physically demonstrative digitally, has been no more respectful of them than Kristen and late in 2012 once famously said that he should make “castrating” paparazzi his favorite past time and “that the tabloid industry does terrible, terrible things to the world.  It makes people stupid.” He also has said:

Media culture is a monstrous thing, you can’t win. The annoying thing is that you can’t attack them, but you can’t defend yourself. The best thing you could possibly do is punch a paparazzi and give them their big payday.

You know, when the whole thing dries up and there’s hardly any paparazzi around — I don’t know, in 15 years or something — I like the idea of just one paparazzo coming out and trying to get a picture, and I just beat the shit out of him. I mean — out of nowhere — when my You know, picture’s not even worth…and I’ve spent all my money, so you can’t sue me!

Rob and Kristen’s mutual hatred of the paparazzi and the tabloid press was born and nurtured during a period of time when they rapidly became the most speculated about couple on the face of the planet.  Trying to build a relationship out of the public eye as hordes of fans, paparazzi and tabloids tracked their every move from Vancouver to Los Angeles, Budapest to Paris, Montepuchiano, Italy to Montreal, and to the Isle of Wight.  And more than any couple in the history of Hollywood, because of the new 24/7 tabloid world, there were always people watching, tweeting, posting, and reading.  And make no mistake, no one was more aware of that than Rob and Kristen themselves. Which is what makes Kristen parading before some paparazzi on July 17, 2012 all the more ridiculous.


The whole world’s watching.

3.  Rob and Kristen had been arguably foreshadowing the coming of this “cheating scandal” for months.

At the Breaking Dawn 1 Premier in November of 2011, Rob first talked of an Edward and Bella divorce in a red carpet interview with Marc Malkam.  At the time, Kristen and several other cast members also talked of it.  Elizabeth Reaser went so far to say that “I think Bella would stray if anyone was going to.  I don’t think either of them will, but she’s so young. I mean, Edward’s got like a hundred years on her.” Billy Burke even joked about the boredom and the possibility of them having an open relationship with Jacob.

And in a spring 2012 Vogue interview, Kristen talked of how perfect and boring her life was and how she “couldn’t wait for someone to fuck” her over and how you can “learn a lot about life from adversity.”  Words which were to be poured over and analyzed again and again once the “scandal” broke.

Then at Comic Con in 2012, just two weeks before July 17, Rob again talked of Bella & Edward’s “Mr. & Mrs. Smith thing”  while on a panel, offering Stephanie Meyer a suggestion as to where the Saga could proceed if she were to write another sequel.

And mere days before the scandal breaking, Rob’s Breaking Dawn press day interview on July 16 where he purportedly said “No, I’ve never been betrayed by people who are actually in my life, like my friends or even my acquaintances. No one has ever done anything.”

So many people have called all of these things ironic, karma, or tempting the fates.  But for me, these “coincidences” suggest a much more explicit strategy.

4.  Despite the high profile public nature of this so-called “scandal”, surprisingly little credible evidence of it exists and what does exist contains significant gaps and problematic elements.   

Despite claims that this “cheating scandal” occurred on July 17th (a date that has never been factually confirmed though FFN claimed it) and started with Kristen leaving a gym in Santa Monica, no other photos from the day in question have ever been disclosed despite a multi-hour surveillance involving up to purportedly four paparazzi.  Only 55 photographs were ever produced from it and video evidence is completely lacking.  This from one of the largest and most active paparazzi agencies in Los Angeles.  Claims by some that there were more photos that were withheld  or that Kristen bought them to preclude them from being made public is nothing more than bald speculation.  A year later we are still dealing with the same old 55 photos.  That’s it, that is all there is. The case is made or not made on this evidence.

The FameFlynet/US Magazine account of what happened is also rife with errors from where it happened, to when it happened, and as to how it happened.   The photos fail to match up to the account.  For a more detailed examination, See “It’s Time to Put Something to Rest: US Magazine’s Account of the Kristen Stewart Cheating Scandal Was Fabricated” at  An online poll associated with that blog found that 85% of those responding did not believe the FFN/USMagazine’s account of the events of that day.  And yet that account  forms one of the four key prongs of the argument supporting this  so-called scandal.

5.  Despite claims of a version of events, FameFlyNet, US Magazine, and PopSugar, the purveyors of the “scandal” don’t have a clue as to how, where, and under what circumstances the so-called “cheating” photographs were actually taken.

The epic mismatch between their claimed series of events and reality is legendary.  Their version of a deserted downtown warehouse district ends up being a parking lot at 2272 S. Centinela Avenue in Santa Monica, right in the heart of the Santa Monica movie making industry and right around the corner from Rupert Sander’s production offices.  A scenic overlook, complete  with hikers, dogwalkers, and tourists, with a view of downtown LA and the Hollywood Sign, ends up being a quiet dead-end residential street, Pacific View Drive,  with a non-descript guard rail looking north over Universal City with no view of downtown LA or the Hollywood Sign.  Their version of Kristen sitting in her car turns out being taken right in front of the corporate offices of Summit Entertainment in Santa Monica at Stewart Street & Colorado Avenue.  And multiple photos of Rupert walking turn out to be taken within three hundred yards of his house in the Hollywood Hills just minutes away from the guard rail site.

Yet, not one photo shows him being picked up, dropped off, or getting into or out of her car; Kristen’s car driving off; or their purported final good bye kiss.  And not one shows Kristen being tailed from a gym to Los Feliz and back or anywhere else for that matter.

Hours of surveillance ends with only 55 photos, many of which are highly duplicative with minor variations.  Suggesting more questions than they do answers.

6.  Despite being perhaps one of the more noteworthy news events of the year, not a single paparazzi of the alleged four has ever been identified or ever stepped forward to claim that they were the ones who took the pictures.  They remain “ethereal photographers”, faceless and nameless, never to be cross examined or even questioned as to what they claimed happened.

Despite some claims the contrary, the paparazzi account of what they saw that day is only available through second hand hearsay, primarily from the authors at US Magazine and through FameFlyNet President Scott Cosman who provided a version of their account to the LA Times.  Other than his claim, there is absolutely nothing to show that FameFlyNet photographers were even involved in taking these pictures or that his four “paparazzi” existed at all.  They could have just as easily been staged by Rob and Kristen with Rupert’s assistance and simply dropped into FFN’s lap.  Which also explains why FFN was so clueless as to their origins and so reticent about identifying or producing the paparazzi for questioning.  And Cosman’s claim that the photographers didn’t even know who the guy with Kristen was with until they “examined the pictures back at the office” stretches credulity to the breaking point.

Imagine for one moment a trial where the prosecution is never required to even call a witness to a crime.  Where a person can be convicted and imprisoned based on what someone claims another witness saw or heard. And that person doesn’t even have to appear at the trial, they can just write about what they claim happened.   Is that the kind of American justice you believe in?

7.  Many of the “cheating photos” show evidence of staging and photo digital manipulation to throw people off the track of where they were taken or to signal to careful observers that the pictures are not what they purport to be .  Despite that fact, the defects in those photos are readily detectable and eventually discovered,  and the location of their shooting mysteriously comes to light.

Most of the South Centinela Avenue parking lot photos show evidence digital alteration of the side view mirror image, the rear view mirror image, and rear hatch back window reflections that cannot be matched to the actual scene.  See the “Grand Punk Part 10” and “The Smoking Gun: Conclusive Evidence that the Kristen Stewart Cheating Scandal Was Staged” at

PopSugar #49

Most of the Pacific View Drive guard rail photos show evidence of digital manipulation of Kristen’s height in relation to Rupert and the guardrail or both, or show evidence of distortions in the size and/or length of their hands and arms, show lighting errors and evidence of the use of artificial fill lighting, and obvious continuity errors involving rings, hats, and the condition of cars. See just one example below.  An exhaustive analysis of the guardrail photos is contained in The Grand Punk Parts 11 and 12.

PopSugar #51 analyzed

PopSugar #51 analyzed

With one exception, none of these changes make the photos more salacious but rather simply alert careful viewers that the photos are not what they purport to be. The one photo that becomes more salacious defies the laws of physics and gravity.  See that photo below.

PopSugar #59 analyzed

PopSugar #50 analyzed:  Kristen’s gravity and physics defying hair.

Although some of these defects are subtle, nearly all of them are easily detected by just looking at them critically.

And then there is the little matter of how the shoot locations came to light.  They didn’t become known because of the work of the tabloids.  FameFlyNet even had to send photographers to the scenes after they were identified to photograph the sites.  Something that is readily apparent on their own website where they list those pictures as  being created on 7/26/2012 and how images of these “two together at these locations have just surfaced in the past two days”. FFN was obviously trying to cover their tracks and figure out what the hell had just happened. Some tabloids even thought the Pacific View Trail overlooked the Pacific Ocean and included pictures of the Pacific Ocean in their accounts!  See for example, Hollywood Lies regurgitated version of the story from July 25, 2012:

hollywood lies 3

Complete with a picture showing the Pacific Ocean and a  view of where “they were allegedly caught kissing by photographers”. All the details?  No, TOTALLY CLUELESS!

These shoot locations came to light because of the observations of people on blogs and in comments or more likely because the people actually responsible for them being taken leaked them onto the internet.  Otherwise, we would have never known where they were taken.

Despite the problems inherent in the photos, these photos constitute the second of the four key prongs of the argument supporting this  so-called scandal.

8.  In spite of being successful, with a few notable exceptions, at keeping her relationship with Rob away from the paparazzi, Kristen was purportedly discovered in a so-called cinch with a married director in broad daylight, in public, showing little attempt to hide her identity.  And in a car she had not been pictured in for months and that she had self-described as being a paparazzi magnet.

This from a woman who has managed to hide a relationship in plain sight for more than four years.  A couple who was photographed holding hands only a few times, and in what one would term as  intimate embraces in public only a few fleeting times more (the Montreal kiss; leaving the WFE premier; at the Cannes Film Festival and after party; and at Kristen’s Los Feliz house in October of 2013).

There was no surreptitious encounter, secret hotel rendezvous, no attempt at disguise or subterfuge.  And at times during the so-called cinch, it appeared that either Kristen or Rupert stared dead at the photographers.

PopSugar #31

PopSugar #31 Kristen Didn’t know she was being photographed?   Yeah right.      Photo not for commercial purposes, no copyright violation intended.

Despite unsupported claims by some of spy cameras, secret surveillance, and long range telephotos lens, evidence establishes that all of the photos were taken at relatively close range under 65 feet and under circumstances making it impossible for the photographers to secret themselves from view.  See “The Grand Punk Part 10 and 11.” Notions that they were photographed without their knowledge, consent, or cooperation are baseless and contrary to the physical evidence. Just as are claims that they were contractually forced to cooperate in them being taken. See Busting Urban Legends About the So-Called Kristen Stewart Cheating Scandal:  The PR Relationship Contract Clause Myth at

9. Despite high profile claims by People Magazine of both Kristen and Rupert’s “statements of apology”, People Magazine failed to disclose the source of, form of, or circumstances of how they obtained such statements and failed to establish how they link each of them to those purported statements.

People Magazine tried to leave people with the impression that Kristen and Rupert provided them with official press release statements which was anything but the truth.  One of their own employees at the time tweeted that the so-called apologies were provided by sources not from the parties themselves, sources that were never identified. Neither Rupert nor Kristen have ever publicly acknowledged the existence or accuracy of these statements.  And if it had come from through their reps and they wanted it out their, the reps would have freely invited People to identify the reps as providing them, providing further authenticity to the release.  Yet People has been noticeably silent about exactly who they purportedly got these  statements from.  Yeah right, I can talk tabloid lingo with the best of them.

Already reeling from being scooped by US Magazine on the original account of the so-called “scandal”, People wasn’t about to get scooped again while they awaited some confirmation of the statements authenticity.  We saw them do much the same recently when they admitted they ran the Rob and Kristen breakup story without confirmation from the actor’s agents.  Checking with reps is a myth that they try to promote just to shore up their credibility, something many people mistakenly believe. But one that is obviously untrue.

Striped of all the fanfare, the only basis for believing the apologies at all comes from the fact that neither Kristen nor Rupert failed to deny making them.  Yet even if it is believed that they in fact made the statements, nothing establishes that the statements contained within them are the truth. And the truth of the matter remains, we have know idea where these “apologies” came from. These tainted apologies are the final two prongs of the four key prongs of the argument supporting this  so-called scandal.

10.  From July 22nd to September 5th, Kristen was completely out of the public eye despite rampant speculation and misreporting as to her whereabouts.  Rob was completely MIA from July 22nd to August 13th.  And when they reappeared, Rob was sporting a suntan and Kristen was trying her hardest at the TIFF to convince people that she was malnourished from the stress.

Rob and Kristen’s complete disappearance from the public eye between July 22nd to August 13th is a mystery that remains to this day.  As does Kristen’s continued disappearance until September 5th.  And unlocking that mystery is the key to understanding what really happened in the so-called Kristen Stewart Cheating Scandal. Various unsubstantiated tabloid accounts tried to place them in various places but always apart.  Most accounts tried to claim they were licking their wounds and trying to recover from a explosive breakup.

But right on cue, Rob appeared for his promotional duties for Cosmopolis in NY and eventually at the VMA’s in Los Angeles.  And Kristen appeared for her promotional obligations in Toronto for On the Road.  Despite tabloid tales of starvation and depression and breakup trauma, neither looked worse for the wear.  For a discussion of the Kristen myth of Living on Redbulls & Nicotine see the later portion of “The Grand Punk Part 12.”

11.  Despite a monumental public humiliation and betrayal, and the first public proclamation of her love for him while apologizing for an indiscretion with another man, Rob “forgives” Kristen in a matter of a couple months and the two are seen together again both publicly and privately in ways that are entirely contrary to tabloid claims that they have parted company.

Rumors of their “reconciliation” began to surface almost immediately after the so-called scandal broke, but solid evidence of them being together is evidenced in photos of the them taken  on October 14th and 15th in Los Feliz, and at a home purchased by Kristen in Los Feliz sometimes referred to as Los Feliz 2 on October 17th.  These last photos are most telling as the tabloid responsible for taking them was forced to take the photos down due to a criminal trespass that occurred in order to get them taken and the intimate behavior shown between the two of them in the photos.  And though that tabloid and several others were forced to take them down, the photographs have remained on a number of Rob and Kristen fansites indefinitely for all to see.

12.  Despite a virtual torrent of subsequent stories about them from the celebrity gossip machine, nearly all of these stories are baseless fabrications made up for the purposes of getting webhits and virtually all are made on the basis of unnamed and unidentified sources which are incapable of verification or testing for their credibility and truthfulness.

I endeavor to say that never has so much baseless bullshit been written about two people in Hollywood history.  Following the “cheating scandal, the celebrity gossip machine rained nonsense onto the internet in endless quantities for months on end, and continued to do so well afterward.  Something that has continued to this very day.  To review a multitude of such nonsense stories, read my blogs at There is not enough time in the day to debunk this endless BS.  I venture to say that the vast majority of things written about Rob and Kristen’s personal life on the internet is patently untrue. Something which Rob himself has affirmed in an interview.  And particularly where it is based on unnamed sources and it appears in a tabloid.

13.  That despite claims after the so-called scandal that Rob refused to talk to her, couldn’t stand to be in the same room with her, refused to promote Breaking Dawn 2 with her, and would cease any involvement with her following the promotions, Rob and Kristen appeared together in multiple promotions for the film on MTV and in LA, Paris, Berlin, and Madrid; they vacationed together in England over the Thanksgiving holiday; and returned from England and remained together into the New Year.

Though some claimed they did so only to get through the promotions period, they continued together into the new year and even after a several week hiatus while Rob was filming The Rover in Australia. This entire period was marked by several unsubstantiated accounts of problems within their relationship and Rob stepping out. It got so ridiculous that I was predicting the stories before the tabloids were even writing them.  See  “Predicting Tabloid Garbage: Assessing Five Rob Kristen Stories Waiting to Happen at  Which were all obliterated when Rob returned straight to Kristen.  That continued through and up to Kristen’s birthday which was marked by a major gathering of their friends at a restaurant in Los Feliz and them looking very much together.

Following that event, both Rob and Kristen were virtually chased through Coachella by a pack of paparazzi while they were trying to enjoy a weekend of music and fun. It was not long after that that Eleanore “the serial liar” Hutch of Hollywood Lies (Life) fabricated the Rupert Sanders As a Valet story.  See “Oh the Tabloid BS Rob & Kristen Stories Just Keep Coming- Part 2” at  And the stage was set for even more tabloid nonsense.

14. Despite periodic claims of  “breaking up”, “taking a break”, and “trial separations”, all available evidence suggests that they remained together up until May 12, 2013.

Despite claims of PR contracts and relationship strife, all of the available evidence up to May 12, 2013 suggests that Rob and Kristen remained together throughout without incident.  But almost over night a series of developments  exploded across the internet in May and the tabloids were selling a breakup big time although they were all over the map on why they claimed that it happened.  For a review of some of this nonsense, see Examining the Case for a Rob & Kristen Breakup at ;  and 2+2=5 WTF? at .  We will examine this nonsense more closely in Part 14 of the Grand Punk later.

15. Despite a year long obsession with the notion that a Kristen/Rupert hookup actually happened on July 17, 2012, there is insufficient provable evidence that such an event ever happened.

And I am stating it as a fact.  I am sure that this conclusion is going to stir some controversy, so let me start out by saying that I am not some starry eyed teenage Robsten fan or a true believer in the Robsten dream.  I will leave that to others.  As I have stated before, I could care less about whether Rob and Kristen are together or not, whether they have found the “perfect love”, or whether they “hate each others guts”.  This story is not about that for me.

What this story is about for me is the truth, and how multi-million dollar tabloid corporations manufacture “news” and millions of people blindly accept it without a second thought.  How the traditional news media is being quickly overwhelmed by a 24/7 tabloid entertainment notion of what constitutes the truth and news. And what people are driven to when they are trying to navigate life in the fishbowl that Hollywood has become.

I’ll put it simply, the notion that a Kristen and Rupert hookup actually happened is a four legged stool that is only as strong and believable as the legs it stands on.  Those legs in this case are, the FFN/US Magazine account of how the so-called hookup occurred; the photographic “evidence” that they offered of it; People Magazine’s claimed “statement of apology” by Kristen; and People Magazine’s and US Magazine’s claimed “statement of apology” by Rupert.

The Grand Punk Part 10, 11, and 12 collectively obliterate the notion that the FFN/Us Magazine account of the hookup is credible, something that a reasonable prudent person should rely on in making an important decision in their own lives. Similarly, they demonstrate that the “photographic evidence” is equally tainted and are patently insufficient to prove that the event actually occurred.  And as for the final two legs, the apologies, relying on an unnamed, unidentified source to “sell” the notion of a “statement of apology” is a travesty of justice that should not be tolerated.  People should not have to deny rubbish, the purveyors of news should have to prove their claims.  This stool is little more than a pile of rubbish than can’t begin to support the claim of a Kristen & Rupert hookup.

And don’t even try to get started on the divorce.  People get divorced every day for many different reasons.  The Rupert and Liberty divorce can’t revive a notion that was already dead in the water.  It is at best circumstantial evidence of a problem in the marriage that cannot be linked to the existence of an actual Kristen and Rupert hookup.  And there was already plenty of evidence prior to the so-called cheating scandal to suggest that that marriage was troubled.  Right out of Liberty’s mouth.

That is not to say however, that there are not going to be people who continue to believe this b ull.  Rob said it best, “Tabloids make people stupid.”  And some people find comfort in the stupidity.  But for those of you who are really interested in understanding what actually happened, continuing to pretend that the hookup occurred is a waste of time.  It’s old tripe that hasn’t really changed in over the past year.  And it’s time to throw out the trash.

Where Do We Go From Here?

Let’s bury some scenarios. Back in The Grand Punk Parts 6, 7, and 8, I presented eleven scenarios that have been offered to attempt to explain what happened in the so-called Kristen Stewart cheating scandal.  Five of them are immediately dead on arrival.  Any scenario that is based on the notion that a Kristen/Rupert actually happen should be rejected.  Given this conclusion all of the Kristen and Rupert Were Having an Affair and Got Caught Scenarios of The Grand Punk Part 7 can be discarded, including the prevailing FFN/US Magazine account Scenario 1 “The Lucky Paparazzi”, Scenario 2 The Lucky Paparazzi Un-embellished, Scenario 3 The Paparazzi on a Mission; Scenario 4 The Private Eye, and Scenario 5 The Kristen & Rupert Didn’t Care if They Got Caught.  May they rest in peace.  You may review them for historical purposes and to do combat with online babblers but they will not further your understanding of what actually happened in this case.

Given the discussion here about the reality of the Rob & Kristen relationship, I think can also safely bury Scenario 11, The Faux Romance.

In Part 13 of The Grand Punk we will take a look at what’s left focusing particularly on the staged scenarios and chart a course for our further examinations.  In the meantime, try to weather the tabloid shit storm that this day is sure to bring.  And take a very serious look at what happened at Coachella this year.  It may provide the clues for why the last two months have been a wild ride.

Predicting Tabloid Garbage: Assessing Five Rob & Kristen Stories Waiting to Happen

by twilighter

Back on January 18, I pulled out my crystal ball and made few predictions for what BS stories we would inevitably hear from the celebrity gossip machine about Rob & Kristen between then and her birthday.  Given that it was Kristen’s birthday yesterday, it’s time to look back at the cow dung and see how I did.  Suffice to say, the celebrity gossip machine ran true to form.  They are always so predictable.

Back in January, I couldn’t  say with clarity what particular gossip rag (Hollywood Life, In Touch Magazine, Us Magazine, People Magazine, The Enquirer, Gossip Cop, The Mirror, etc, etc, etc) would break the fabricated offending stories, but that we could be sure of three things: 1). whomever did break one, it would be with unnamed, unidentified sources, 2.) the rest of the celebrity gossip machine would invariably re-report the story no matter how ridiculous, unsubstantiated, and obnoxious it was, and 3). there would millions of sheep out there in the blogsphere that would immediately believe it and go bah bah bah with the rest of the flock. And I gave you a big clue: Robert Pattinson’s trip to Australia to film Rover. Because every time Rob and Kristen are apart, some tabloid is going to take advantage of that fact to generate some BS.

So what stories did I predict would occur before Kristen’s birthday?

Story #1: It will be some version of how Kristen and Rubert Sanders have hooked up in Rob’s absence and how Kristen is continuing her cheating ways.  Perhaps in a car, maybe at a “romantic” overlook, or perhaps at her house.  The story will undoubtedly include old pictures of Rupert and Kristen, but will unlikely include new ones, as they would certainly be much more scrutinized this time than the last time.  And in spite of the lack of evidence to support the story, it will unleash a fresh wave of Kristen bashing and hatred in the blogsphere. And note, this fairytale is already actually in progress.

Did this BS story happen?  Sure did, multiple times. As I noted in January when I made these predictions, there were already unsubstantiated twitter claims at the time that Rupert and Kristen were seen together in Los Feliz.  And remember, virulent twitter chatter is a common source for tabloids to both start to fabricate and mine their BS story ideas.  As we have seen, anyone can go onto twitter and start some crap.

But Heat Magazine really got the bull rolling on this one on February 7th, by claiming that Kristen reached out to Rupert after Liberty Ross filed for divorce and Rob ended their relationship the previous month.  Via an unnamed, unidentified source.

“Kristen was feeling low – the lowest she’s ever felt – when Rob flew to Australia. She doesn’t have a huge circle of friends. Rob was the closest person to her. So, when he left, she reached out to Rupert to see if he was OK and suggested meeting for a coffee,” an insider purportedly told Heat Magazine.

“It seemed like Kristen was just blindly trying to do something to ease her pain. When Rob found out she’d contacted Rupert through a mutual friend, he was upset that Kristen would even go there. He wasn’t jealous, he was just incredulous. It seems like Kristen has no chance with him now.”

Heat continued, “Sanders was also said to be shocked by K-Stew’s actions, and decided not to meet up with her. It’s not thought that the 22-year-old was looking to reignite her romance with the 42-year-old film director, but was simply looking for someone to discuss her ongoing problems with.”

“Kristen feels helpless without Rob. The fact he has upped and left her has devastated her. She had thought she might be able to go to Australia for visits and keep their relationship going, but Rob found it difficult to trust her again and knew long distance would be too difficult.”

“Things had become irreparable. Kristen knew things were over between Rupert and Liberty too and it seemed like she just wanted to talk to someone who was going through the same thing as her,” the source added.

Yeah right, insert a cyber eye roll here. The funniest thing about this whole story was that even some of the other online tabloids had trouble keeping a straight face while regurgitating this story. For example see:–lonely-enough-to-reach-out-to-rupert-sanders–517666770 .

In Touch Magazine joined the fray shortly thereafter in a February 9 web account when they provocatively posed the question whether Robert’s departure could be a “recipe for disaster”. But they didn’t seem to be on the same page with Heat Magazine.  Citing an unnamed Rupert pal as a source, this unnamed pal claimed that “It wouldn’t surprise me at all if Kristen and Rupert got back in touch, and it would be Rupert who reached out. He was infatuated with her.”

By February 9, Hollywood Life also was in the game, relying on their own unnamed “source close to Kristen”. Their source claimed that Kristen had not contacted Rupert at all as far as they knew since Kristen had “made a commitment to Rob that Rupert would no longer be a part of her life”.

As usual all the rest of the celebrity gossip machine jumped in, complete with re-reportings of all the nonsense, and Gossip Cop debunkings, all resulting in a continuous debate about whether she had or had not contacted him, or he had or had not tried to contact her, and whether they had actually met or not. And in spite of a complete lack of credible evidence for any of it, the stories fueled the typical Kristen bashing across the blogsphere. All you have to do is examine the comment threads to any of these ridiculous stories to see what I mean.

But have no fear, by February 28, Radaronline was reporting in a web article that Rupert had actually attempted to reach out but Kristen “doesn’t want anything to do with him,” again via, you guessed it, an unnamed unidentified source. This source claimed Rupert “texted her a number of times, however Kristen didn’t respond.” Continuing, the source claimed that “In truth, she regrets ever getting involved with Rupert, because of how much it hurt Robert and the amount of public backlash she was subjected to. Kristen doesn’t really know what’s going on with her and Robert at the moment, and she’s been left in limbo. Ideally, she would like things to go back to how they once were, but that’s proving a lot more difficult than she imagined. But when it comes to Rupert, that ship has sailed,” the source revealed.

Awe, how cute.  Complete with a Twilight literary reference. Insert another cyber eye roll here.

Story #2.  It will some version of Rob is out (probably at some wateringhole) with another mystery woman (probably a blond)(probably has big tits) and with whom he is having a (probably a romantic) wonderful evening.  There may or may not be equivocal photos to go along with the story. And again despite the lack of evidence to support it, it will unleash a fresh wave of Kristen bashing and hatred and assertions that she deserves it and how great it is that Rob has moved on to a new love.

Oh this one was just too easy to predict and of course the celebrity gossip machine delivered BS in spades.  Starting within five days of my prediction.

Rob had barely landed in Australia before the “blond bimbo” rumors started.  He was pictured with some Aussie girls at the airport on January 17th in a Hollywood Life account that was released on January 23rd.  The five girls pictured with him included three blondes, a two brunettes and a red head. But despite the fanfare, this was clearly just a fan pic.

The next one started with a January 27th Hollywood Life story headline claiming that Rob was Hanging with a Sexy Blond At A Music Festival in Adelaide, Australia. Included was a fan pic of Rob and a young woman the caption identified as a “mystery blond.”  Despite the fact that the accompanying article identified the “mystery” woman as Alexandra Warner (no mystery there) and that she along with a couple other people had some fan pictures taken with Rob at the concert. This story took a later odd turn when Ms. Warner tweeted that Rob was stoned. In reality, they were no more hanging together than were Rob and all the rest of the people at the music festival.  But why let the facts get in the way of a sleezy headline?  Then again, I am surprised it didn’t read Rob Hangs with Dozens of Sexy Blonds at a Music Festival.

But like someone suffering from bulimia, Hollywood Life couldn’t stop itself.  In a February 5th account, Robert Pattinson Hangs Out With Cute Blonde Fans in Australia, Rob was once again “hanging out”  with “cute’ (translation:buxom) blonde fans, complete with an accompanying photo. If “hanging out” that is means taking a picture, signing a dvd, an iphone cover, and “one of the girl’s arms” for a few minutes while he tried to have a smoke.

But don’t get the idea that Hollywood Life was alone. Oh no!  Maurice Cassidy of that venerable journalistic paragon, Celebrity Dirty Stinking Laundry (yes we have featured them before in other articles on this blog) took the same story and led it with the following line: “Robert Pattinson has no plans on keeping it in his pants anytime soon, because this time he’s been spotted with TWO new girls who both happen to be blonds (again) and give us that facial expression of ‘ooh, that was good’—it doesn’t take a smart guy to figure out why the two hot blonds…have such big grins on their faces.”

Well rest assured, Cassidy is in fact dumb as a post but he somehow managed that leap of deductive brilliance.

And don’t get the idea that these two tabloid giants were alone in this story.  Of course the rest of the celebrity gossip machine jumped in including regurgitated reports, Gossip Cop debunkings, all resulting in a continuous debate about whether Rob was or was not actually doing these women, was or was not stoned and/or drunk, and did or did not ban Kristen from visiting him there in Australia.

Yep, you guessed it.  Time for another cyber eye roll.  It seems bulimia is a epidemic problem with the tabloid press.

Story #3  This will be some version of how Kristen has stepped out on Rob with someone other than Rupert Sanders.  That person will be male (probably over ten, or between 40 and 70 since she has a known penchant for older men [editor’s note: please note the heavy sarcasm here]) probably an actor or other celebrity (possibly Taylor Lautner, James Franko, or other some other Hollywood hunk) and who may likely be involved with one of Kristen’s projects in some way, shape, or form.  Again, despite the lack of supporting evidence, the blogsphere will once again erupt in “once a cheater, always a cheater chanting”, Kristen bashing and hatred, and  generalized chest thumping. Pay particular attention to whomever is cast as Kristen’s love interest in In Focus.

Oh, I really nailed this one including naming one of the principles. There are so many versions of this story that it is almost ridiculous. Everything from veiled articles about Kristen hanging out with Taylor Lautner, to having “hot chemistry with Jim Sturgiss, to flirting with Patrick Swarzenager, to hanging with Rob’s BFF Marcus Foster, to jumping in a mystery man’s arms. Almost to much bull to keep track of.

But even I lacked the imagination of the celebrity gossip machine by missing the Kristen is gay angle of stories that were based on Kristen being sprawled across Katy Perry and Selena Gomez’s laps at the Kid’s Choice Awards, being ever in company of her best friend Scott Taylor Compton, and  being newly chummy with Katy Perry’s assistant,Tamra Natisin.

Without burying you in too many deets, here are the essentials on these stories.  Hollywood Life claimed in a February 14th account that an unnamed, unidentified source “close to Jim Sturgiss” told them exclusively that when Sturgiss came to town for pre-production meetings for The Big Shoe, Jim and Kristen seemed to have “major chemistry, they really seemed to click”. But the source noted that “Jim has a girlfriend and Kristen is back with Rob so it’s totally professional between them right now,” the source added.

Interestingly when picked up and regurgitated Hollywood Life’s story that same day, the ending of that quote mutated considerably. “Jim has a girlfriend and Kristen is back with Rob, so it’s totally professional between them right now, but that could change.  The movie is going to be very sexy and Jim is exactly Kristen’s type so who knows, anything could happen.”

Hmm.  A perceptive reader may be asking themselves at this point how an exclusive source to one gossip rag could end such a quote in two highly divergent ways.  Yep, insert the cyber eye roll once again.

It was a tabloid throw down from the beginning of Patrick Schwarzenegger story.  US Magazine, relying as usual on a unnamed, unidentified source merely reported on February 13th that Kristen attended Taylor Lautner’s bowling alley birthday party and was “living it up” with no particular reference to Patrick other than he was also in attendance.

That same day Hollywood Life’s “exclusive source close to the situation” told them that “Kristen at no time throughout the night was interested in flirting with any guy in the place, she was just having fun with Taylor and his friends”.  But the source added that it looked like Patrick Schwarzenegger had moments throughout the night that looked like he was flirting with her on more than one occasion but that “They didn’t leave together and it seemed as if [Patrick] accepted his lost quest for Kristen.”

Star Magazine, a little late to the game reported on March 6th yet another variation and another source, claiming that “Kristen has been on the prowl” and was seen “flirting up a storm” with Schwarzenegger, “creeping on Patrick big time” at the party. Echoing Star’s report on the same day, Radaronline’s unnamed source upped the ante saying that people at the party told them “they should get a room because the energy between them was so hot.”

Yeah right, cue the eye roll.  Perceptive readers may once again be asking themselves how can so many different versions of the same event be possible? But remember, unbridled by the truth, the celebrity gossip machine is capable of fabricating just about anything it desires.

In the aftermath of the birthday party, Kristen joined Taylor for an afternoon of fun in the batting cases on March 14, but surprisingly did little to claim anything even close to a date.  I half expected to see it described as a double date given the picture below.

Kristen and Taylor on March 14

Kristen and Taylor on March 14

But that failed to materialize as the celebrity gossip machine seemed satisfied to characterize it as a friends day out.  The cynic in me says that they were just bank the episode for future use when they spin a more sinister version of the Taylor and Kristen relationship. Of course that didn’t stop plenty in the blogsphere and on twitter from  going there with suggestions that Tay.lor were or should become a couple.

The Kristen jumps into the arms of a “mystery man” story was screwed up from the beginning when some X17online paparazzi photos of Kristen’s night out the night before the Oscars on February 24th went viral.  For a short time, even Hollywood Life was identifying him as Kristen’s new mystery man, before almost immediately having to backtrack when it realized the man was Rob and Kristen’s gay friend CJ Romero.  London’s Daily Mail didn’t do much better, identifying the guy as Marcus Foster, one of Rob’s BFF’s and a well known singer who used Kristen in his music video in 2011.  You would think a British gossip rag would know a home grown Brit, but again, the facts seemed to have escaped them.  Although, Marcus Foster was within the party of people that Kristen was with that night.

But another person in that entorage, Katy Perry’s assistant, Tamra Natisin, was to become a more immediate source of interest.  Kristen’s venture into lesbianism was proclaimed by that venerable paragon of journalistic excellence, The National Enquirer, in a March 12th article entitled: Is It True What They Are Saying About Kristen Stewart? [Editor’s note:  If tabloids are sayings it, it is highly unlikely to be true]. In the article, the Enquirer claimed that while Rob was away filming in Australia, Kristen found romantic comfort in Katy Perry’s assistant.

“Rob will hit the roof when he sees photos of Kristen and Tamra hanging out together,” predicted an insider. “It’s obvious to all of her friends that there’s a romance brewing between them.”

Quoting from the article: “On March 3, free-spirited Kristen, 22, raised eyebrows by lavishing attention on Tamra at Hollywood’s Hotel Cafe.” “They arrived together and spent the entire night talk­ing to each other, ignoring everyone around them,” revealed their insider. “Af­ter a few hours, they left together. Lately, Kristen and Tamra have been spending all their free time together.”

Meanwhile the Enquirer continued, 26-year-old Pattinson has reportedly banned Kristen from visiting him so he can concentrate on his film project.

But sources say she doesn’t seem to be missing him now that she’s found Tamra, who’s said to be very vocal about equality for same-sex couples and even attended a gay pride rally in the past year.”

Wow.  Yeah.  Insert eye roll again.

The Kristen is gay story probably would have really taken off after Kristen appeared at Tamra’s birthday party which was widely reported.  Only problem was Rob was there with her.

Rounding out the nonsense, late comer starMedia in a web article on March 29 didn’t even try to be subtle even though they didn’t even bother to refer to having a source: “After K-Stew and Rob failed in their intent to work things out in spite of Kristen’s indiscretion, the Twilight Saga actress decided she wanted to experience a new kind of love! Reportedly Kristen has been dating Katy Perry’s assistant Tamra Natisin, who is openly bisexual. They have been seen together several times, close to each other during parties and events.”

Yeah right.  My eye muscles are getting tired. But the tabloid press was tireless in regurgitating these stories and the blogsphere never tired of having a tirade over it.

I surprised they didn’t try to run with a Kristen/Katy Perry hookup after the following pictures from the KCA’s.

at KCA

Story #4  This one will be some version of how Rob has hooked up with some female member of the cast or crew of Rover.  Or, because of the dearth of females roles in the cast, maybe they’ll just drag in an Australian actress (like Emily de Ravin, Emily Browning, Teresa Palmer, or Mia Wasikowaka even if they all happen to be in the United States).  Despite a lack of evidence supporting the story, the blogsphere will once erupt into “Rob is free at last” jubilation, Kristen is not good enough for him bashing, and related nonsense, blah, blah, blah.

Once again, I nailed it.  Within four days! I went to print on January 18th and by January 22nd, Look Magazine was reporting that Rob had made arrangements to meet up with Emilie de Ravin in Australia. Man, that was fast.

Their unidentified, unnamed source purportedly told them that  “Rob and Emilie get on ridiculously well. They stayed in touch after working together, and now Rob’s moving over to her home country their texts and calls have stepped up again. They’ve arranged to meet as soon as possible,”

“Kristen knows that Rob and Em are close and that must have been difficult for her.” the insider added.  “When he mentioned that they might meet up, Kristen flipped. This tipped her over the edge and in turn seems to have made Rob realize their relationship was never going to go back to how it was.”

Yeah, right.  Cue the eye roll, the regurgitation reflex, and the endless chatter on the blogsphere.

Story #5  This one is easy.  Kristen will undoubtedly go to Australia sometime during Rob’s shoot there for Rover although evidence of her visit will be minimal but obvious.  The blogsphere will again erupt into an endless debate about whether she went there because: 1). she was once again pregnant, 2). they had once again reconciled or broke up, 3). they both wanted to go house hunting because they love it there in Australia and have an uncontrollable desire to buy houses, 4). its all for PR, 5). she was was reconnecting with her Australian roots, and/or 6.) Rob was missing her arm pits.  Despite a +10,000 mile +twenty hours flight to get there many will reject the notion that she loves him and just wanted to spend some time with him.

As it turned out, I struck out on this one.  Hey nobody’s perfect. Poor research on my part.  I didn’t realize just how horrid and nasty the middle of no-where is, hundreds of miles from Adelaide. If I had been Rob, I wouldn’t have wanted Kristen to join me either. And after all, I’m sure Kristen didn’t want to crimp Rob’s “style” with all the buxom blondes.  Yeah I’m inserting the eye roll here this time.

But even a no-story was the object of continuous tabloid and blogsphere debate.  Had they split, or would Rob return to her in LA?  Would he skip LA and go directly to London or did he plan an ocean sailing cruise without her.  Was the “trial separation” a breather or was it already over, kept quiet just to sell dvd’s.

Blah. Blah. Blah.  Well we know what happened when he got back.  But that didn’t stop the tabloids and the blogsphere from trying to obscure the truth.

In Conclusion

So there you have it. [Five] Rob & Kristen Stories Waiting to Happen. I think I did pretty well if I say so myself.  And thanks to all of you to help spot these many stories. And there are so many more we didn’t even touch on. And true to form we observed the three basic principles about such tabloid gossip stories over and over again:

1.  They are invariably based on an unnamed, unidentified source.

2. Once released, the content will be regurgitated over and over again by the rest of the celebrity gossip machine even as the story mutates, and

3. There are millions of people who will believe them and go into histrionics even if they aren’t supported by a shred of credible evidence.

By Rob’s birthday I’ll return and discuss my second stab at the crystal ball.  “Seven More BS Rob & Kristen Stories Waiting to Happen.”  You can find these predictions in the blog below.  And I am already doing pretty well on that one to.  In the meantime I need to keep monitoring the web and cataloging those stories.  And rest my eye muscles before my eyes roll right out of my head.

Staged, Blackmailed, Photoshopped or PR….THIS Is the Reality


See the article by Andre Soares  at ALT Film Guide


by twilighter

Hollywood Lies is like a blogger’s dream. They are so over the top that making them, AND THE PEOPLE THAT BELIEVE THEIR CRAP, look stupid is embarrassingly easy.  Here’s a comment I attached to Chris Rogers article today at the HL website: Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart Are Moving To Paris — Report. They are so desperate for comments at HL that they even leave my comment insulting HL up. A copy of the “article” follows so that you don’t have to reward them with a webhit.  Here goes:

Comment by twilighter:Well if it isn’t another Face of the Celebrity Gossip Machine, Christopher Rogers, who was featured at back in October when he mangled simple temporal terms like “after”, “since”, “before”, and “latest” in fabricating an article entitled Kristen Stewart: ‘I Have Nothing To Be Ashamed Of’ After Affair” out of multiple pieces of tabloid excrement.

Gee Chris, didn’t you and fellow misfit editors and writers at Hollywood Lies take a enough of a beating yesterday after Bonnie Fuller’s love advice article Kristen Stewart: Follow Robert Pattinson To Australia To Save Your Love went down in flames?  Apparently not.  We are beginning to think you are enjoying it.

As we said yesterday Chris, we are having serious “trust issues” with Bonnie and the staff of Hollywood Lies, but our hopes of a reconciliation are dependent on her and you following through on that Stay to the Truth Plan we talked about.  And just in case you may have forgotten it (we know you are all a little slow over there at HL), maybe it bares (and I don’t mean the dog spelled B-E-A-R) repeating.  So here goes:

“The Keep to the Truth Plan

1.    Stop claiming that you have unnamed, unidentified sources that so-calledly knows something about Rob & Kristen and their lives.
2.    Stop letting your editors make up stories about them from half-truths and misquotes.
3.    Fire all of your current so-called editors and reporters as they are totally pathetic.
4.    Stop citing other celebrity gossip websites for their lies, thus perpetuating the nonsense.
5.    Respect the privacy of actors who expressly want to be left alone.
6.    Stop feeding the beast and making people stupid with your endless drivel.

And finally, stop referring to this so-called “cheating scandal” as we know it was all staged. For starters, read the Grand Punk series at It should be required reading for you and your staff.

If you carry through on this plan, maybe, but I doubt it, we will start getting over our “trust issues” with you and your website.”

Let’s see how you and Bonnie are doing with our little plan based on your article from today:

1.    Hmm, started with a poorly photoshopped photo of Rob and Kristen at the Eiffel Tower.  Not a Good Start.    FAIL

2.    Then proceeded with a misleading headline.  Stated they were moving when the house hunt hasn’t even started.  FAIL

3.    Cited another celebrity gossip website (in this case OK Magazine) for their lies, perpetuating (that means making something continue indefinitely) the nonsense. FAIL

4.    Cited another celebrity gossip website(The Mirror) for some more lies.  FAIL

5.    Claimed that two different unnamed sources (OK’s and the Mirror’s) so-calledly knew something about their lives (where they want to move).  Even ascribing quotes to Rob and Kristen.  DOUBLE FAIL

6.    Continued to feed the beast and make people stupid with endless drivel. (that means drool or nonsense)  FAIL

7.    You are still “working”, which means you haven’t been fired yet.   FAIL

8.    Respected the privacy of actors who expressly want to be left alone?   DOUBLE FAIL

9.    Tossed in yet another story about Rob’s family and the paparazzi ruining their plans to move to London and how Rob’s family gave her a hard time.  DOUBLE FAIL.

10.    But better still, when you hit the link to “but gave Rob a hard time for reconciling with Kristen” in your story, it takes you to a earlier Hollywood Life Exclusive story about how Kristen’s friend told HL that “They (Kristen and Rob’s family including his two sisters) are all back on really good terms — even better than before.”  Wow. Its hard to keep those links in order when you lie so much, isn’t it Chris.

And perhaps worst of all, you had to go ahead and mention that so-called “cheating scandal” again. TRIPLE FAIL  Still haven’t read the Grand Punk at have you.


Just to summarize, where are they going to move?  London? Paris? NYC? To his house in LA? Her house in LA? On the Isle of Wight?  Or to Australia, perhaps? You at HL have said them all except the last one, at one time or another.  No wonder Rob and Kristen have a team on it, they need one to manage all of these international house buying plans.

And back in September when Paris Fashion week was going on, were they reconciled? Not talking to each other? Trying to work it out?  Or trying to have a baby?  You at HL have said them all at one time or another as well.  And how do gush to someone who you are not talking to?

But this quote, “Kristen’s got this wonderful vision of a 1920s-decorated place with lacy lamps and an old piano in the corner. It’s exactly what they both want in life — solitude and a quiet creative space.” Yeah right.  That’s really special.  That’s really over the top, even for you Chris.

The Hollywood Lies article:

Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart Are Moving To Paris — Report

go to their website if you must.