Please join us in supporting Paparazzi-Reform Initiative and The Plan!  The paparazzi are completely out of control.

Paparazzi-Reform Initiative is sponsoring two bills in California.

  • The first is California Assembly Bill 1356.  Amending Section 1708.8 of the Civil Code will more clearly define activities in which there should be a reasonable expectation of privacy.  Schools, medical facilities and entrances and exits at specified facilities should not be impeded by those whose incentive is to obtain financial gain from ill-gotten photographs.   Additionally, the bill empowers the victims and the courts to take action against those who create emotional distress and psychological trauma via the unauthorized photography of children for commercial gain.  In other words, it will provide celebrities a way to legally protect their children from the paparazzi.
  • The second is The California Assembly Bill 1356-Stalking Reform Bill which changes the existing law by including a statement that addresses the term “under surveillance”.   The way the law is currently written, it allows the victim’s home, child’s school and places of work and worship to be under constant surveillance.  The victims lose ownership of every part of the personal and private lives and have no recourse against the stalkers until it may be too late.
  • This bill would add to the currently standing bill, the act of surveillance to the already existing list of unacceptable activities.  It would allow the victim to use “substantial emotional stress” as a complaint against a stalker.  Additionally, it would not require the victim to prove the stalker intended to place the victim or members of the victim’s family to fear for their safety.  Instead the victim need only prove that the stalker acted in reckless disregard for the safety of the victim or the victim’s family.
  • The “substantial emotional distress” standard is defined and does not require the victim to suffer physical injury.  Instead, the victim need only prove that the stalker caused the victim to suffer substantial fear, anxiety or emotional torment.
  • The amendment goes further by including the indirect actions taken by people working for the stalker that cause the victim harm as a “credible threat”.  It defines “follow” as the stalker’s movement as it relates to the victim.

When the time comes, you can help even if you don’t live in California!  We will let you know how and when!  In the meantime, please remember that the tabloids pay these people ridiculous amounts of money to take these pictures.  EVERY TIME you go to a tabloid, you are helping pay their salary.  Get the word out!  It is a time for things to change!

For more information, please go to or

Be Calm and Carry On

by Twilighter

I thought I would briefly followup on the excellent posts by  Veulentsavoir and Misty earlier today and try to put the developments of the last  ten days in perspective.  To say that there has been a media frenzy is an understatement of major proportions.  And to some extent I have intentionally reserved comment until some of the nonsense burns itself out.

But make no mistake, it is by and large nonsense.   For despite endless articles and heaps of speculation, tweets run amouk, and tabloids on steroids, the celebrity gossip machine is no closer to being a source for the truth about Rob & Kristen than they were ten days ago.  And if anything, they have once again proven themselves to be utterly incapable of telling the truth about them.  That is simply not profitable.

It started with a blatant lie, the Rupert as a Valet story.  It continued with a dubious account of a so-called telephone argument and a fantasy breakup that had more causes than the reasons for global warming (Rob’s trust issues, Rupert’s discovered text to Kristen, Kristen’s clinginess, Rob’s philandering in NYC with Polly Stedham, Kristen’s demands for marriage and a baby, Rob’s “thing” for Katy Perry) , blah, blah, blah.  It has finally started to burn itself out with supposed fresh accounts of returns to work, new romances, and declarations of happiness in freedom.  Yeah right.  The frenzy is finally starting to calm down.

I leave you with this thought:

Lies, injustice,  and deception have always thrived in chaos.  But it is in quiet, thoughtful contemplation where the truth and justice prevails.  And it is always faster and much easier to light the inferno than it is to extinguish it and fully understand its causes.

The essential framework of what we know and what we don’t know about the so-called Kristen Stewart “cheating scandal” remains unchanged.  If anything, the events of the last ten days makes it even less based in reality than ever before.

So as the Brits once said in contemplation of a mass bombing at the inception of World War 2: Be Calm and Carry On.  That’s what I intend to do.  We have plenty of time to take apart the nonsense that has run amouk. And we will continue together to unravel the travesty that unfolds before us anew every day.

This Shit Has to Stop!

tshtsFor a long time now I’ve stayed quiet on a lot of things that have been said about Rob and Kristen, mainly because I know in my heart that once again the media have become bored with the fact that our Golden Couple are perfectly happy and living their lives away from the media spotlight. I’ve lost count in the amount of times they have tried AND failed to make us believe in their lies.

From the moment Rob and Kristen got together the media have been jumping through hoops to get their hands on their so called “EXCLUSIVE”. The evidence is clear in the video I posted before this. There is a reason Rob and Kristen have not come out and publicly said ‘We are together.’ They already get mobbed wherever they go, confirming it would only make things worse.

We’ve survived a lot over the last year, however I doubt our frustrations and anger have anything on how Rob and Kristen must feel about these continuous fabrications. Just like the rest of us Rob and Kristen have feelings, they hurt, what right do the paparazzi and media have to dig into the personal relationship between two people who quite clearly belong together. For years, they put themselves into the spotlight in order to bring Meyer’s “Twilight Saga” to life, they did not sign up to be harassed and stalked 24 hours a day by the vulture we called ‘Paparazzi’. Like most people, I have supported Rob and Kristen throughout their careers, way before they met each other and fell in love. However if it’s one thing that I hate its bullying.

I came to a huge realisation today whilst deciding whether or not to create this Robert-Pattinson-and-Kristen-Stewart-were-spotted-having-a-long-coupley-kiss-at-a-nightclub-in-Cannes-finally-putting-speculations-of-their-off-screen-relationship-to-restblog, it doesn’t matter what the media say about Rob and Kristen, hell it doesn’t matter what we discuss about them whether it be their romance, twilight, what movies they will be doing next, when they will get married, when will we see Kristen’s baby bump. We’ve focused on what accessories Kristen wears, knowing for a fact that it will have come from Rob. Gold ring, necklace, bracelet. Yet we are all forgetting the most important thing of all, she has Rob by her side.

Earlier this week we had three sets of photographs that speak volumes for me. The first ones being Rob arriving at an undisclosed location but WAIT, he wasn’t just driving any car he was driving KRISTEN’S car; you know the same one that she was driving when she had that minor fender bender in April. Not only was he driving her car, but he went home to THEIR house. Let’s not forget that they tried to say Rob ordered a removal van once again to move out. No such thing occurred. The van was a POD storage van arriving at a completely separate house in the Los Feliz complex where Kristen and Rob’s house is one of many. Then there were the pictures of Kristen with Suzie and Kassie. Once again, the paparazzi have tried and FAILED to photoshop the pictures in order to fit their own story by removing Kristen’s ring and then pasting her finger back onto the original image, how stupid do they think we are, we’ve studied that golden ring for years. Only yesterday we got pictures of Kristen and friends, once again Kristen interacted with us, (like she stated she did in Toronto when asked by Ben Lyons) this time her clothes said it all, ROB’S white T Shirt, ROB’S shades and what looked to be ROB’S hoody which he wore on his short trip to NYC before the Met Gala. Now for the most recent images. Kristen with friend in LA, wearing ROB’S cap, and a second pair of ROB’S shades. The indicators I’ve pointed out, prove once and for all that Rob and Kristen are together, happy and living their lives the way they want. IN PRIVATE. So I urge you all, if you must talk about Rob and Kristen use your DMs, Email, but don’t tweet, let’s see how much the paparazzi and media can write when there are no tweets from their fans to steal.


Thanks to Everything Robsten

More From Misty

Okay, everybody, ready to get away from some drama and do something productive to help take down those paparazzi and tabloids? The creators of ALL unnecessary drama?  It’s a definite start, and Sean, founder of The Paparazzi Reform Initiative needs our help. Badly. As some of you know, he and I have been corresponding for quite some time on how we can help each other end this plague of paparazzi madness. And he definitely needs our help right now. In case you hadn’t heard, 2 new anti-paparazzi bills were introduced in the California legislature a while ago. The MPAA (THE top studios in Hollywood) are NOT supporting these new anti-paparazzi bills. Why? Because some of those head honcho studios own some tabloids. I’d heard grumblings on twitter that the studios do NOT own tabloids, but that is definitely not true. It is true that American Media owns most PRINT tabloid mags, and some online rags, but what about the tabloid television shows? EXTRA is owned by Warner Brothers, a division of Time Warner. That same group, Time Warner, also owns People magazine. THIS is why the top Hollywood studios won’t get behind the 2 new anti-paparazzi bills. They’d lose too much money. Once again, it’s all about those benjamins. They don’t give two f***s less about their stars, the stars filling their bank accounts. ALL they care about are the benjamins. I’ve aleady gotten most generous offers from a few of you to help with this research, and I’m VERY thankful to you for that. If anyone else wants to pitch in a bit of time on research, please let me know – either through here, or on Twitter. I’m @MistyMueller on there. Please follow me if you don’t already – I’ll be posting things on there, as well as here on PRI’s progress, and any news I hear from Sean. Thanks.
Another thing Sean would like help with is tweeting celebrities to get behind these bills. He’s not sure why, but the SAG (Screen Actors Guild) is not supporting these new bills yet. He THINKS it’s because of something internal going on with them, but he’s not sure yet of the reason. So why couldn’t we all tweet a celeb or 40? Let them know they have a voice in their stalking – what a better way to use that voice? Most celebs have millions of followers – if all their followers wrote the California congress people, don’t you think those voices would count? It’s worth a shot. I know most (alright, all) of us here are sick of the treatment the celebrities tolerate by these vermin. Why not start with laws? Effective laws. One of the bills will protect the children of celebrities, the ones crying “Stop taking my picture”. The other bill puts limits on the stalking of celebrities, following them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, camped out in front of their houses. Wouldn’t it be nice for them to wake up one morning and not see a paparazzo parked in front of their house? Many of the celebrities aren’t aware of the PRI – they’re listening to their agents, managers, publicists, etc. Some might not even know that their own publicists are tipping off the paparazzi of their whereabouts. It’s a shame, but unfortunately true. Isn’t it time we give these people we’re “fans” of back some private, quality life time? I think so. So please, if you’re as tired of seeing your favorite celebrity stalked, harassed, and taunted, PLEASE help the PRI with this. I know Sean would certainly appreciate the help. Following are links to their home page, and also their facebook page. Please read their website – there’s lots of great info there. Feel free to comment on either one. Any questions, just ask. I’m acting as a liaison between The Plan and the PRI, so since Sean’s quite busy, try me first, okay? Thanks! As always, peace out, Misty.

Musings from Misty

Hi everybody. Once again, real life kicked me in the arse, so I was out for awhile. What do I come back to? A whole shitload (and I might as well apologize right now for my mouth) of drama. And where did all this drama originate? Where else? X freaking 17. Imagine that. Whichever one of those stalkers posted a pic of Kristen supposedly all stressed out, having a long, drama-filled conversation on her phone, and he GUESSED she was talking to Rob. Guess this, Xfreaking17 – that picture wasn’t even TAKEN that day. The date was altered. It was taken last year – see Twilighter’s post on Justice for Kristen titled The Pattinson/Stewart Breakup: Three Critical Details – you can see for yourself that the date on that photo was altered. Why do something like that? Well, everyone remembers April, right? All the good-feel pics we got of Rob and Kristen out in public, at Coachella, just out and about, having fun with friends? Well guess what kids. Good feels don’t sell. And that’s why the paparazzi and tabloids had to switch up the game some. They weren’t getting the web hits they needed to pay the bills. And they did it so easily. All it took was ONE slime-ass paparazzo to alter some pics of Kristen looking unhappy, and bingo. The tabloids are back on top. Selling like crazy, collecting those clicks on their websites like the swampland in Florida sellers pieces of crap they are. Drama sells – happy doesn’t. Twitter timelines are batshit crazy. All because of that ONE X17 paparazzo.
Everyone remembers what Rob says about “castrating paparazzi”, right? Well, remember the pics of them at Coachella? He looked like he wanted to hit a few of them, didn’t he? I imagine all those stalkers HAS to get under your skin after awhile. How would YOU like it? Being stalked all the time? Both Rob and Kristen have movies starting soon – don’t you think they’d like a little down time, alone time, before their busy schedules start up again? In my humble opinion, Rob and Kristen decided to switch the game on them. Rob would duck the paparazzi as much as he could – and Kristen would go out and take all the heat from the papz. Has anyone noticed they do that for each other from time to time? When they came back from London after New Years, Kristen lured the paparazzi at JFK that day. Rob was on a separate flight, and slipped into LA unnoticed, on the same day. Kristen took the heat that time. And Rob’s done the same for her. I honestly think Rob is very tired of the papz all the time, but he stays in LA because that’s where his love is, that’s where Kristen is. Do you honestly think, as much as he despises the paparazzi, that he would stay in LA and leave Kristen? No. He’d be back in London with his family and friends. Other actors base themselves overseas – Rob could easily do the same.
There really is no need for all this drama. I believe in both of them. They are both very intelligent young adults, that have been through more bullshit at their ages than most people live through in an entire lifetime. They’ll do whatever is right for THEM. They don’t owe us anything except a good performance in their movies. I absolutely believe they’re still together, but if they’re not, IT’S NONE OF MY BUSINESS! I admire both of them tremendously, and love their love. But if they’re having issues, don’t you think they deserve our respect, some space from all the bullshit that’s Hollywood? Put yourself in their shoes. How do YOU feel when someone butts their nose into your private issues with your significant other? Not very happy about it, I’m sure. Now imagine this entire Twilight fandom butting their noses into their business. One of their friends, CJ, had to delete his twitter account, or suspended it himself for awhile. There were so many Rob and Kristen “fans” and “haters” commenting on his instagram, and tweeting him, that he finally had enough. And I don’t blame him. Their other friends on twitter and instagram might be next. They get the same amount of comments from Rob and Kristen “fans” as CJ did. Seriously, is that any way to treat someone your a fan of? Harass their friends for information that is none of your business? They give so much of themselves to us already. April was a gift to us. Let us take it as a gift, and leave them alone now. And PLEASE stop all this unneeded drama. It’s really stupid, if you think about it, especially considering the “source”. Only this source has a name – Xfreaking17.
Alright – rant over. Thanks for reading – and please just peace out. There’s real drama we can get excited over – and that’s coming up next. The Paparazzi Reform Initiative needs our help. This is for real work that we can all chip in and help on. Productive ways to stop all this needless drama. That’s coming up next! Thanks for letting me vent – I needed it! Peace out, Misty

Oh the Rob & Kristen BS Just Keeps Coming and Coming Part 3

by twilighter

    “So mark my words.  And don’t be surprised the next time you see Kristen coming out of Los Feliz 1 on Aberdeen.  And don’t be surprised when she is behind the wheel of the Mini Cooper again.”

I managed to take a cell-phone free, non-internet access, extended Memorial Day weekend away and I have to admit it felt good.  Kind of like that special feeling you get when you know that no matter how many people are out there worrying about what you are doing, where you are doing it, and whom you are doing it with, they really don’t have a frickin clue.  When you are so under the radar(online), that nary a paparazzi, or a tabloid, or a gossiping neighbor  has a clue as to what is really going on. Ah …, it must be a really good feeling, one that Rob & Kristen enjoy virtually every day.

But, the world marches on, and I eventually had to come back from the wilderness to the unreality of all that is going on in the so-called Kristen Stewart “cheating scandal”, and its latest twist, the Rob and Kristen Breakup, Part  ___ (fill in the blank with a number from 10-100 here). And no breakup story is complete without dozens of BS tabloids stories to tell the tale.  As in fairy tales, a type of short story that typically features folkloric fantasy characters such as fairies, goblins, elves, trolls, dwarves, giants, mermaids, or gnomes, and usually magic or enchantments.  A story as in fiction, not to be confused with reality.

As I have said many times before, never have two people been subjected to more continuous false reporting, false tweeting, and general BS than these two. So lets take a look at the highlights of the BS since I slipped out of town such a short time ago.  There isn’t enough time in this life to review all of it.

Let’s start with the “Rob Dumped Kristen and Moved Out of Her House” story, although there is an alternative version of this fairy tale that is called the  “Kristen Dumped Rob and Kicked Him Out of Her House” story.  Why did this happen?  If you read any number of  tabloids you could variously believe that it happened because: 1). Rob ditched out on his own birthday party, pissing Kristen off; 2). Rob miraculously and conveniently discovered a text from Rupert on Kristen’s cellphone while she was in the shower, pissing him off;  3). Rob couldn’t get over the fabricated “cheating scandal, something he has tried to do for almost ten months with Job-like patience; 4). Rob stepped out with Katy Perry, an unknown blond, or an unknown female to be named later, pissing Kristen off; 5). Kristen stepped out in a lesbian relationship with Tamra Natasin, pissing Rob off; or 6). Kristen was just too clingy, pissing Rob off. Blah, blah, blah.  All based on unnamed, unidentified sources.  Including even a fresh account from People Magazine based on two contradictory tweets that was printed, pulled, and replaced with yet another story claiming so-called sources who as usual remain unnamed. ( the  Rob & Katy Perry at the San Ysidro Ranch wedding rehearsal story).

Where do all these stories have their roots?  Yes, the Xonline17 story of April 23rd.  You remember that one don’t you?. The one where Rupert Sanders suddenly takes a job as a valet at a restaurant in LA.  Followed by the Rob Moves Out of/Is Kicked Out of Kristen’s house story.  The 65 Million Man Moving All of His Worldly Belongings in a Pickup Truck tale.  As is evidenced by him driving in a truck with some stuff in the back, including both of the dogs and both of their bikes. Going into his house on Aberdeen in Los Feliz.  Oh yeah, that’s the place that all the tabloids assured us he was selling back in August of 2012.  Funny how that never seemed to happen isn’t it?

And remember, don’t let the tabloid crap slide, this was the house he couldn’t stand to stay in because all of the “bad memories” associated with it.  And yet here he is again.  Isn’t that amazing. So much for the tabloid tripe. I don’t want to rub it in any one’s face but I blogged nearly nine  months ago that he wasn’t selling the house, and when I was in LA in September, the house looked very much occupied down to the garbage being taken out and the paper being delivered.

I have already emasculated some of this garbage in a prior post, The Pattinson/Stewart Breakup: Three Important Details at located elsewhere on this site. But now let’s look at this weekend’s garbage.  Here are my two personal favorites.

Story #1

Moving Truck at Los Feliz 2

Moving Truck at Los Feliz 2

This one is too good to be true, combining all of our personal favorites: staring unnamed, unidentified sources, penned by Eleanor ( the Unbelievable) Hutch, Butch, Bitch (sorry, I couldn’t resist), and with photos provided by that venerable journalistic wonder  Isn’t that special.  Note the caption, “a moving truck is seen leaving Kristen’s house on May 23, 2013.”

Only problem is, it isn’t leaving Kristen’s house at all. That’s a TOTAL FABRICATION. Its entering a gated community of  over a hundred houses in the Laufflin Hills subdivision, one of which just happens to be Kristen’s.  There is absolutely no evidence that the truck even went to Kristen’s house, let alone ended up at Los Feliz 1.  If it did, why haven’t we seen the photos of that since there are only two ways in and out of Aberdeen.

As usual Hutch is the epitome of clarity. From her article and I quote:

“Nothing tells a girl you’re done with a relationship like a moving truck in the driveway!  A truck was spotted leaving Kristen Stewart’s house on May 23rd, presumably containing all of Robert’s stuff.”

And later in the article,

“Twihards can begin weeping, because Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart appear to really be over.  On May 23, a moving truck was seen leaving Kristen’s Los Feliz home, and it was likely full of Rob’s stuff.”

So Eleanor, which is it: “presumably containing his stuff” or is it “likely full of his stuff.” Or are you simply full of it?  And do you think that just because you tell us twice that the truck is leaving Kristen’s house that we are supposed to believe it is? When your blessed photo doesn’t even establish that fact?  Kind of reminds me of this photo.  Remember it?

Moving Van purportedly leaving from Rob's Los Feliz estate on July 28th

Moving Van purportedly leaving from Rob’s Los Feliz estate on July 28th

Yeah, the one from last year in July that turns out was no where near Rob’s house, but was rather fabricated by the tabloids into a fake story to try to make people think there was a moving truck at Rob’s house.  See  for a refresher course on this lie.  What’s with the tabloids anyway, moving trucks, buying houses, and unknown blonds with boobs. They are so damn predictable.

Hutch’s article winds up with a regurgitation of the The Sun’s nonsense about the text in the shower, and a gratuitous “This is just so sad. We really wanted Rob and Kristen to make it work!”

Eleanor dear,  I think Bitch is a better name for you after all.  No Lying Bitch, now that’s perfect. But I do have to hand it to you. You didn’t go over the top and claim that Kristen supervised the moving truck as the DailyMail did today.  But watch out Bitch, your competitors are nipping at your heels.

Story #2


Story #2 includes the so-called smoking gun evidence of the mystery blond according to that journalistic paragon, the Daily Tripe (Mail) and its cited source, Radaronline. So this is the mystery blond that all the tweeters and tabloids have been writing (and lying) about. She’s an English playwright named Polly Stenham.

Per the article and citing Radaronline, it’s supposedly an Instagram picture of the pair showing “the talented 26 year old with her arm draped around Robert and another pal as they enjoyed a night out in NYC shortly before his shock split from Kristen.”  Posted by Rob’s musician friend Mathew Daniel Siskin, although it has mysteriously disappeared from his social networking site.

But there are actually four people in the photo not a pair.  And they fail to mention that the woman in the foreground is none other than Tamra Natasin, as in Katy Perry’s assistant, and Kristen’s purported lesbian love interest according to many other tabloids and tweeters. Polly is an acclaimed young English playwright who penned a play that happened to star Tom Sturridge in early 2013. Imagine that.  Sturridge who was on Broadway in NYC back in early May, when both Rob and Kristen came to see his play Orphans on separate dates.  Oh how the plot thickens.

And who exactly is taking the photo? None of those four obviously.  Kind of makes you wonder doesn’t it.  Is this actually from the night of the Met, which Tom & Sienna Miller, Katy Perry, and Kristen attended, and also the night when Rob and Kristen purportedly partied in NYC? Kind of explains why Tamra would be present, wouldn’t it.  Take a look at an earlier posted photo from the Robsessed website that appears to be from the same evening.

Photo posted earlier on

Photo posted earlier on and on instagram

If so, these photos were from about May 6, not “shortly before his shock split from Kristen”  on May19.  And yet the Daily Tripe jumps the gap and tries to turn Stenham into the mystery blond. Pathetic really.

So where are we as of Tuesday May 28th?  I’ll tell you where we are.   Repeat after me, never have two people been subjected to more continuous false reporting, false tweeting, and general BS than Rob and Kristen.  And tabloids + unnamed sources = BS every time.  The breakup story started based on a pile of bull that has only grown as more and more tabloids have piled on.  The pile may have gotten higher, but it still smells the same.

So mark my words.  And don’t be surprised the next time you see Kristen coming out of Los Feliz 1 on Aberdeen.  And don’t be surprised when she is behind the wheel of the Mini Cooper again.

Thanks, Alex! @The Fandom Voice

‘A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.’ – Winston Churchill.

I Love This–From @LoveQuotes

This, as far as I know was not said by Kristen, but I think it should have been!  It seems to sum up things pretty well.

“Don’t judge me until you know me, Don’t underestimate me until you have challenged me, AND do not talk about me until you have talked to me.”

From @LoveQuotes

(I added the bold print)

Here ya go, kiddies!  ChunkThanks to Windswept Girl for enlarging this picture and writing on it!  More proof that the tabs photoshop things to tell the story they want to tell.  Papz + Tabs = Lies!  Join us tomorrow for #tabfreeFriday Let’s send the message that we are on to them!!!!!

For the Doubters and the People that are Worried about Rob and Kristen!

These first two, you’ll need to go to the site and then enlarge the images.  Look for the cup in the driver’s door.  This image is REALLY dark and it is difficult to see…but there is an In-and-Out cup in the pocket of the driver’s door.

Kristen is BACK!!!  And I think she knows that they are about to pull the rug out from under the assholes that have been so awful to her!!!!

Look Closely!